Book Details


Advances in Biometrics

Publication year: 2005

ISBN: 978-3-540-31621-3

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Biometrics has emerged as a reliable person identification method that can over-come some of the limitations of the traditional automatic personal identificationmethods. With significant advances in biometric technology and a correspondingincrease in the number of applications incorporating biometrics, it is essentialthat we bring together researchers from academia and industry as well as practi-tioners to share ideas, problems and solutions for the development and successfuldeployment of state-of-the-art biometric systems.The International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2006) followed the success-ful International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA 2004) to facil-itate this interaction. ICB 2006 received a large number of high-quality researchpapers. After a careful review of 192 submissions, 104 papers were acceptedfor presentation.

Subject: Computer Science, 3D recognition, Hidden Markov Model, Markov Model, Support Vector Machine, algorithms, biometric algorithms, biometric authentication, biometric systems, biometric technology, biometrics, classification, face recognition, filtering, fingerprint, fingerprint recognition