Book Details


Liver أحمد كوجك ؛ أحمد كريمة ؛ نور قريع ؛ مروة كوجك

Publication year: 2021

ISBN: Ph00141

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Liver is the second largest organ in human body, more than 5,000 separate bodily functions including helping blood to clot, cleansing the blood of toxins to converting food into nutrients to control hormone levels, fighting infections and illness, regenerating back after injury and metabolizing cholesterol, glucose, iron and controlling their levels. Most people never give their liver a thought until something goes wrong, yet, liver diseases on rise, affecting one in ten. Liver diseases can be inherited or caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver.

Subject: Digestive system, Liver, Liver diseases, Digestive system diseases, Aging, Drug-induced liver injury, Nutrition, Liver transplant, Diet