Book Details


Mobile and Wireless Communications with Practical Use-Case Scenarios / Ramona Trestian

Publication year: 2022

ISBN: 9781032119021

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While wireless technologies had a spectacular evolution over the past years, the present trend is to adopt a global heterogeneous network of shared standards that enables the provisioning of Quality of Service and Quality of Experience to the end-user. To this end, enabling technologies like Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Digital Twins, are seen as promising solutions for next generation networks that will enable an intelligent adaptive interconnected environment with support for prediction and decision making so that the heterogeneous applications and users requirements can be highly satisfied. The aim of this textbook is to provide the readers with a comprehensive technical foundation of the mobile communication systems and wireless network design, operations and applications of various radio access technologies. Additionally, it also introduces the reader to the latest advancements in technologies in terms of Internet of Things ecosystem, Machine Learning and Digital Twins for IoT-enabled intelligent environments. Furthermore, this textbook also includes practical use-case scenarios using Altair WinProp Software as well as Phyton, TensorFlow and Jupiter as support for practice-based laboratory sessions"

Subject: Communication systems, Data Transmission Systems, Wireless System design, System design Textbooks, Use cases (Systems engineering), Use cases (Systems engineering) Textbooks, Wireless communication systems, Wireless communication systems Textbooks, Analogue and Digital Communication Systems, Satellite Communications, Intelligent-based Networked Systems, Wireless Transmission, Radio Propagation