Publication year: 2016
ISBN: 978-3-319-31063-3
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This book presents extensive information related to the history of IUTAM. The initial chapters focus on IUTAM’s history and selected organizational aspects. Subsequent chapters provide extensive data and statistics, while the closing section showcases photos from all periods of the Union’s history. The history of IUTAM, the International Union on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, began at a conference in 1922 in Innsbruck, Austria, where von Kármán put forward the idea of an international congress including the whole domain of applied mechanics.
Subject: Engineering, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mathematical Applications in the Physical Sciences, Classical Mechanics, Characterization and Evaluation of Materials, Events organized by IUTAM, History of IUTAM, Mechanics, People involved in IUTAM, Human society, ICTAM