Publication year: 2015
ISBN: 978-3-662-45915-7
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The future project "Industry 4.0", which represents a central element of the high-tech strategy of the federal government, aims at the computerization of the classic industries, such as e.g. B. industrial production. On the way to the Internet of Things, the merging of the virtual with the physical world to form cyber-physical systems and the resulting possible merging of technical processes with business processes should lead Germany as a production location into a new era. The technology program "Autonomics for Industry 4.0" of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is part of the future project "Industry 4.0". This volume was created in the context of this programme. The book gives an overview of possible ways into the future of work under the conditions of autonomy and Industry 4.0. Key challenges, opportunities and risks are identified from the point of view of research, industry and the social partners. Exemplary design solutions from the areas of production and automation technology, robotics, virtual engineering, agricultural machinery and learning factories illustrate the trends presented in the book.
Subject: Computer Science and Engineering (German Language), Arbeitsgestaltung, Cyber-Physical, Cyber-Physisch, Innovation, Internet der Dienste, Internet der Dinge, Lernende Fabriken, Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, Produktionssysteme, Vernetzte Produktion, Virtual Engineering, Engineering Economics, Work design, cyber-physical, internet of services, internet of things, learning factories, human-machine interaction, production systems, networked production