Publication year: 2016
ISBN: 978-3-658-12533-2
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How do young people live and experience their everyday life? How do you perceive the historical and current conditions in Germany and in the world? What makes sense to them? What life plans do they pursue? What role do mobility, sustainability and digital media play in your life? The SINUS Youth Study 2016 empirically investigates these and other questions and depicts the variety of perspectives of young people's living environments. She succeeds in doing this particularly vividly by allowing 14 to 17-year-olds to have their say in the form of numerous quotes and creative self-testimonies. It is also unique that young people provide photographic insights into their living environments and, for the first time, have asked their questions themselves as interviewers. The SINUS youth study thus gives the young generation a public voice that needs to be heard carefully. Because looking at young people is always a look at the future of a country.
Subject: Social Science and Law (German Language), Popular Social Sciences, Childhood, Adolescence and Society, Sociology of Education, Demography, Social Work, Lebensstil, Soziale Lage, Werte, Lebenswelten, Milieu-Charakteristika, Konservativ-Bürgerliche Lebenswelt, Materialistisch-Hedonistische Lebenswelt, childhood studies, Lifestyle, social situation, values, living environments, milieu characteristics, conservative-bourgeois living environment, materialistic-hedonistic living environment