Publication year: 2020
ISBN: 9781138590311
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Explores the key theoretical areas and research methods of visual communication. With chapters contributed by many of the best-known and respected scholars in visual communication, this volume brings together significant and influential work in the discipline. Thriteen major theories of communication are defined by the top experts in their fields: perception, cognition, aesthetics, visual rhetoric, semiotics, cultural studies, ethnography, narrative, media aesthetics, digital media, intertextuality, ethics, and visual literacy. Each of these theory chapters is followed by an exemplar study or two in the area, demonstrating the various methods used in visual communication research as well as the research approaches applicable for specific media types.
Subject: Visual communication, Communication visuelle, Communication Theory, Communication Research Methods, Theory of Art, Visual Culture, Visual Arts, Media Communication, Visual Cognition, Visual Perception, Rhetoric Aesthetics, Media & Communications, Communication Studies, Mass Media & Communication, Media Theory, Language and Communication, Visual Anthropology