Book Details


Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things : Possibilities and Opportunities / PPethuru Raj, Ashutosh Kumar Dubey, Abhishek Kumar, Pramod Singh

Publication year: 2022

ISBN: 978-3-030-77637-4

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Provides basic concepts and deep knowledge about various security mechanisms that can be implemented in IoT through Blockchain technology. This book aids readers in gaining insight and knowledge about providing security and solutions to different challenges in IoT using Blockchain technology. This book primarily focuses on challenges to addressing the integration of the IoT with Blockchain with respect to potential benefits for IoT. This book gives descriptive analysis of Blockchain integrated with IoT applications and platforms for the development of IoT solutions along with possible topologies to that integration. Several application examples are included in a variety of industries. Provides the latest on secure IIoT communication using Blockchain technology for Industry 4.0 Includes updates on using Blockchain technology in secure vehicular communication (VANET), healthcare, retail, and gaming Provides the latest on secure IIoT communication using Blockchain technology for Industry 4.0

Subject: Cryptology, Communications Engineering, Networks, Cyber-Physical Systems, Big Data, Computational Intelligence, Industry 4.0, Additive manufacturing, Blockchain integration with IoT multimedia, resource sharing, VANET Secure IoT communications, IoT application