Publication year: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-4842-7316-6
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Understand the essentials of the Snowflake Database and the overall Snowflake Data Cloud. This book covers how Snowflake’s architecture is different from prior on-premises and cloud databases. The authors also discuss, from an insider perspective, how Snowflake grew so fast to become the largest software IPO of all time. You will learn : Run analytics in the Snowflake Data Cloud Create users and roles in Snowflake Set up security in Snowflake Set up resource monitors in Snowflake Set up and optimize Snowflake Compute Load, unload, and query structured and unstructured data (JSON, XML) within Snowflake Use Snowflake Data Sharing to share data Set up a Snowflake Data Exchange Use the Snowflake Data Marketplace
Subject: Database Management, Cloud Computing, Business Analytics, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Big Data, Snowflake, Data Sharing, Snowpipe, Snowflake Data Marketplace, Snowsight, SnowSQL, Data Exchanges, Cloud Analytics, Cloud Data Warehousing, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure Cloud, Snowflake Data Cloud, Snowflake Compute