Publication year: 2020
ISBN: 978-3-030-48182-7
Internet Resource: Please Login to download book
Offers critical insights into the thriving international field of community indicators, incorporating the experiences of government leaders, philanthropic professionals, community planners and a wide range of academic disciplines. It illuminates the important role of community indicators in diverse settings and the rationale for the development and implementation of these innovative projects. details many of the practical “how to” aspects of the field as well as lessons learned from implementing indicators in practice. The case studies included here also demonstrate how, using a variety of data applications, leaders of today are monitoring and measuring progress and communities are empowered to make sustainable improvements in their wellbeing.
Subject: Social Sciences, Community Quality of Life Indicators, Community Data Collective Impact on Communities, Utilizing Data and Community Action, Health and Integrated Planning, Youth Personal Agency, Regional Competitiveness Dashboards, Climate Resilience Screening Index, Well-being Collaborative Community, Quality of Life Research, Public Administration Social Work and Community, Development, Business Strategy, Leadership