Publication year: 2021
ISBN: 978-3-030-52885-0
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Addresses the engagement between science and society from multiple viewpoints. At a time when trust in experts is being questioned, misinformation is rife and scientific and technological development show growing social impact, the volume examines the challenges in involving the public in scientific debates and decisions. It takes into account societal needs and concerns in research, and analyses the interface between the roles of institutions and individuals. From environmental challenges to science communication, participatory technological design to animal experimentation, and transdisciplinarity to norms and values in science, the volume brings together research on areas in which scientists and citizens interact, across diverse, often understudied, socio-cultural contexts in Europe.
Subject: Social Sciences, Animal experimentation, Sociology of science and technology, Science communication, Sociology of Communication, Public communication of Sociology, Citizen participation in science, Renewable energy research, Technology and society, S and Technology studies in Europe, Science and Technology Studies, Science Education, Culture and Technology