Publication year: 2019
ISBN: 978-3-030-18480-3
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Presents a multitude of different, yet related, innovations in educational measurement and provides insight in their practical possibilities. The book not only addresses several improvements in the quality of educational measurement and innovations in (inter)national large scale assessments, but also several advances in psychometrics and improvements in computerized adaptive testing. Moreover, it also offers examples on the impact of new technology in assessment. By bringing together expertise from this variety of fields, advances in assessment are fostered and stimulated. It discussed, among which are review systems tailored for the evaluation of the quality of computer-based educational tests, the Curie-Weiss model as a paradigm for the analysis of educational data, Bayesian techniques to decide on mastery in formative educational measurement and the comparison of Elo chess ratings as strategies for on-the-fly item calibration in computerized adaptive tests.
Subject: Education / Assessment, Testing and Evaluation / Psychological Methods, Evaluation / Psychometrics / Computer-based assessment / Large scale testing / Quality of measurement / Testing programs / Machine learning / Quality assurance / Computerized adaptive testing / Quality of assessment / International large-scale assessments / Psychometric modeling of response behaviour / Testing technology / Psychological testing / PISA / Educational Data Forensics