Publication year: 2019
ISBN: 978-3-030-10534-1
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This book shows how to use sensitivity analysis in demography. It presents new methods for individuals, cohorts, and populations, with applications to humans, other animals, and plants. The analyses are based on matrix formulations of age-classified, stage-classified, and multistate population models. Methods are presented for linear and nonlinear, deterministic and stochastic, and time-invariant and time-varying cases. Readers will discover results on the sensitivity of statistics of longevity, life disparity, occupancy times, the net reproductive rate, and statistics of Markov chain models in demography. They will also see applications of sensitivity analysis to population growth rates, stable population structures, reproductive value, equilibria under immigration and nonlinearity, and population cycles. Individual stochasticity is a theme throughout, with a focus that goes beyond expected values to include variances in demographic outcomes.
Subject: Social Sciences / Demography / Statistics for Social Sciences, Humanities, Law / Community & Population Ecology / Mathematical and Computational Biology / Population models / Matrix models / Matrix calculus / Evolutionary biology / Conservation biology / Longevity / Population growth / Transient dynamics / Density-dependent models / Markov chains in demography