Publication year: 2019
ISBN: 978-981-13-0833-8
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This book analyses Iberian expansion by using knowledge accumulated in recent years to test some of the most important theories regarding Europe’s economic development. Adopting a comparative perspective, it considers the impact of early globalization on Iberian and Western European institutions, social development and political economies. This book finds its impact decisive for institutional development, political economies, and processes of state-building in Iberia and Europe. The book engages current historiographies and revindicates the need to take the concept of composite monarchies as a point of departure in order to understand the period’s economic and social developments, analysing the institutions and societies resulting from contact with Iberian peoples in America and Asia. The outcome is a study that nuances and contests an excessively-negative yet prevalent image of the Iberian societies, explores the difficult relationship between empires and globalization and opens paths for comparisons to other imperial formations.
Subject: History, Imperialism and Colonialism, History of Early Modern Europe, Iberian Empire Expansion and Europe’s Economic Development, Global History and the History of Empires, Early Globalization on the Peninsula, Iberian Empire Expansion and Theories of Globalisation, Empire and Processes of State-building in Europe, Relationship between Empires and Globalization, Impact of Iberian Empire on America