Publication year: 2020
ISBN: 978-3-030-28008-6
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Despite the increasing awareness that neural mechanisms are the primary cause of cardiac disease and its progression, therapy continues to focus on end-organ protection and does not approach the neural core of the problem. Growing public health problems such as heart failure are still treated with autonomic drugs that are 30-40 years old and simply act on cardiac receptors. However, it has now been shown that the progression of ischemic heart disease to heart failure is mainly due to abnormal central responses to incipient cardiac disease, with neural activation the primary cause rather than the consequence of cardiac remodeling.
Subject: Medicine, Reference Module Medicine, Cardiology, Psychiatry, Neurology, Pharmacotherapy, Human Physiology, Brain-heart axis, Brain-heart communication, Brain-Heart Efferent Pathways, Cardiac Innervation, Cardiac Homeostasis, Heart Activity and Cognition, Emotional Processing and Heart Activity, Biofeedback, Depression and Cardiovascular Disease, Bipolar Disorder and cardiovascular risk, Cardiovascular Manifestations of Anxiety and Panic, Cardiac Transplantation and Psychopathology, Heart Diseases and Dementias, Heart and Parkinson disease, Heart and Stroke, Neurocardiac Syndromes, Psychiatric Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs, Neurological Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs, Cardiovascular Effects of Psychiatric Drugs, Interdisciplinary care