Book Details


Artificial Intelligence for Customer Relationship Management

Publication year: 2021

ISBN: 978-3-030-61641-0

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This book describes a number of applications of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Customer Relationship Management with the focus of solving customer problems. We design a system that tries to understand the customer complaint, his mood, and what can be done to resolve an issue with the product or service. To solve a customer problem efficiently, we maintain a dialogue with the customer so that the problem can be clarified and multiple ways to fix it can be sought. We introduce dialogue management based on discourse analysis: a systematic linguistic way to handle the thought process of the author of the content to be delivered. We analyze user sentiments and personal traits to tailor dialogue management to individual customers. We also design a number of dialogue scenarios for CRM with replies following certain patterns and propose virtual and social dialogues for various modalities of communication with a customer.

Subject: Computer Science, User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Simulation and Modeling, Customer Relationship Management, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Prediction of Human Behavior, Natural language Processing, Simulation of a Multi-agent System, Personalization, User Modelling, Dialogue System