Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-2-287-36008-4
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We are at the start of the development of new therapeutic classes, directed against new molecular targets (EGFR, VEGF, IGFR, Rank, etc.) Several diseases such as kidney, colon or breast cancer, GIST, have a natural history now modified thanks to these therapies. This practical book takes stock of the current use of these molecules.
Subject: Medicine, Anticorps monoclonaux, Biothérapies, Cancer du sein, Carcinom, Oncologie, Tumor, Tyrosines Kinases, cancer du côlon, Monoclonal antibodies, Biotherapies, Breast cancer, Carcinoma, Oncology, Tyrosines, colon cancer, Public Health, general, Biochemistry, general, Molecular Medicine, Imaging, Radiology