Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-88-470-0684-3
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The pathophysiology of external rectal prolapse is still uncertain, and its clinical and instrumental diagnostic assessment as well as the appropriate surgical or medical approach need to be clarified. The relative rarity of this pathology prevents randomised, controlled trials from being carried out in a single institution and the opinions of outstanding leaders in this field are therefore particularly important. With this collaborative, multiauthor work, the editors fulfil that requirement by drawing together the experience of highly recognised national and international professionals. The volume contains extensive and valuable information regarding preferred methods of evaluating patients with rectal prolapse: its underlying aetiology and pathophysiology, the different treatment methods (both surgical and nonsurgical), the expected functional results following surgery and the management of complex clinical presentations associated with this condition.
Subject: Medicine, Chronic constipation, Fecal incontinence, Rehabilitation, Surgery, assessment, imaging, Colorectal Surgery, Proctology, General Surgery, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Gerontology