Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-69149-5
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The book includes a general introduction to the area, which also presents the vision of a grand challenge project: the "verifying compiler". Most contributions are followed by a transcription of the vivid discussion that ensued between the author and the audience. The papers have been organized in topical sections on verification tools, guaranteeing correctness, software engineering aspects, verifying object-oriented programming, programming language and methodology aspects, components, static analysis, design, analysis and tools, as well as formal techniques.
Subject: Computer Science / Programming Techniques / Software Engineering / Logics and Meanings of Programs / Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters / Operating Systems / Artificial Intelligence / C# / algorithms / concurrent systems / dependability / distributed systems / exception handling / fault tolerance / formal methods / logic / model checking / programming language / proving / software verification / theorem proving / verification