Book Details


Coordination Models and Languages : 10th International Conference, COORDINATION 2008, Oslo, Norway, June 4-6, 2008. Proceedings

Publication year: 2008

ISBN: 978-3-540-68265-3

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, COORDINATION 2008, held in Oslo, Norway, in June 2008, as one of the federated conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2008.

Subject: Computer Science, Middleware, ad-hov networks, algorithms, component interaction, component systems, coordination, coordination models, corrdination middleware, distributed computing, logic, modeling, multi-agent system, multi-agent systems, process c, semantics, Computer System Implementation, Software Engineering, Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems, Programming Techniques, Computation by Abstract Devices, Artificial Intelligence