Book Details


A Natural Introduction to Probability Theory

Publication year: 2008

ISBN: 978-3-7643-8724-2

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According to Leo Breiman (1968), probability theory has a right and a left hand. The right hand refers to rigorous mathematics, and the left hand refers to ‘pro- bilistic thinking’. The combination of these two aspects makes probability theory one of the most exciting ?elds in mathematics. One can study probability as a purely mathematical enterprise, but even when you do that, all the concepts that arisedo haveameaningontheintuitivelevel.Forinstance,wehaveto de?newhat we mean exactly by independent events as a mathematical concept, but clearly, we all know that when we ?ip a coin twice, the event that the ?rst gives heads is independent of the event that the second gives tails.

Subject: Mathematics and Statistics, Excel, Limit theorems, Probability theory, Random variable, Random walk, coding, mathematical statistics, measure theory