Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-8176-4699-8
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This monograph presents new constructive design methods for boundary stabilization and boundary estimation for several classes of benchmark problems in flow control, with potential applications to turbulence control, weather forecasting, and plasma control. The basis of the approach used in the work is the recently developed continuous backstepping method for parabolic partial differential equations, expanding the applicability of boundary controllers for flow systems from low Reynolds numbers to high Reynolds number conditions. Efforts in flow control over the last few years have led to a wide range of developments in many different directions, but most implementable developments thus far have been obtained using discretized versions of the plant models and finite-dimensional control techniques. In contrast, the design methods examined in this book are based on the “continuum” version of the backstepping approach, applied to the PDE model of the flow.
Subject: Mathematics and Statistics, Navier–Stokes equation, closed-loop systems, convection, design, electric conductivity, flow between co, flow control, flow stabilization, flow state estimation, fluid dynamics, partial differential equation, partial differential equations, thermal convection, turbulence, turbulent flows