Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-87875-9
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The book also contains three keynote speeches and contributions to workshops, symposia, tutorials and panels at the conference. The papers are organized in topical sections on Model Transformation: Foundations; Requirements Modeling; Domain-Specific Modeling; Model Transformation: Techniques, Composition and Analysis of Behavioral Models; Model Comprehension; Model Management; Behavioral Conformance and Refinement; Metamodeling and Modularity; Constraints; Model Analysis; Service-Oriented Architectures; Adaptive and Autonomic Systems; Empirical Studies; Evolution and Reverse Engineering; Modeling Language Semantics; Dependability Analysis and Testing; Aspect-Oriented Modeling; Structural Modeling;and Embedded Systems.
Subject: Computer Science, 3D software visualization, Ada, Constraint, deontic constraints, embedded system, formal methods, formal semantics, metamodeling, model, model transformation, model-based software architecture, model-driven software development, modeling, multi-level modeling, object technology, Software Engineering, Programming and Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters, Simulation and Modeling, Software Engineering, Management of Computing and Information Systems