Book Details


Numerical Treatment of Partial Differential Equations

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-3-540-71584-9

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In 1988 we started work on the frst German edition of our book, which appeared in 1992. Our aim was to give students a textbook that contained the basic concepts and ideas behind most numerical methods for partial di?er- tial equations. The success of this frst edition and the second edition in 1994 encouraged us, ten years later, to write an almost completely new version, taking into account comments from colleagues and students and drawing on the enormous progress made in the numerical analysis of partial di?erential equations in recent times. The present English version slightly improves the third German edition of 2005: we have corrected some minor errors and added additional material and references.

Subject: Mathematics and Statistics, Boundary value problem, Finite Differences, Finite Element Methods, Finite Volumes, Partial Differential Equations, Sobolev space, finite element method, hyperbolic partial differential equation, maximum principle, partial differential equation