Book Details


Bioactive Confirmation II

Publication year: 2008

ISBN: 978-3-540-49080-7

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Specific binding of a ligand to a receptor is a key step in a variety of biol- ical processes, such as immune reactions, enzyme cascades, or intracellular transport processes. The ligand-receptor terminology implies that the rec- tor molecule is signi?cantly larger than the ligand, and the term "bioactive conformation" usually characterizes the conformation of a ligand when it is bound to a receptor. In a more general sense, bioactive conformation applies toanymoleculeinabiologicallyrelevantboundstateregardlessofsizecons- erations. Mostofthecontributions tothisbookaddressligandsthat aremuch smaller than their receptors. X-ray crystallography and high resolution NMR spectroscopy are the two main experimental techniques used to study bioactive conformations. The- fore, the twovolumes ofthisbookcover approachesthat use either ofthetwo techniques, or a combination thereof.

Subject: Chemistry and Materials Science, Lipid, RNA, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, chemistry, conformation, medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, self-assembly