Publication year: 2020
ISBN: 978-3-030-26114-6
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This book provides an exploration of the consequences of the ontological differences between natural and social objects (sometimes described as objects of nature and objects of thought) in the workings of causal and agency relationships.
Subject: Religion and Philosophy, Ontology, History of Economic, Thought, Methodology, Social Anthropology, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Sociological Theory, Uses and Abuses of Rational Choice Theory, Argument from social and economic anthropology, Free Will & Empirical Arguments for Epiphenomenalism, Critical Realism’s explanatory approach, Predictable Human Economic Behaviour, Stoic Economics, Agency and Causation in Marx, Consequences of the ontological differences, Workings of causal and agency relationships, Critical realist theory, Ontological differences between natural and social objects, Social causation and agency, Causality in nature as compared to social life, Nature of causation and agency in social life, Ontological difference between physical and social reality