Book Details


Children and Peace From Research to Action

Publication year: 2020

ISBN: 978-3-030-22176-8

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This book's multi-layered emphasis on context, structural determinants of peace and conflict, and use of research for action towards social cohesion for children and youth has not been brought together in other peace psychology literature to the same extent. Children and Peace: From Research to Action will be a useful resource for peace psychology academics and students, as well as social and developmental psychology academics and students, peace and development practitioners and activists, policy makers who need to make decisions about the matters covered in the book, child rights advocates and members of multilateral organizations such as the UN.

Subject: Behavioral Science and Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology, Peace Studies, Developmental Psychology, Conflict Studies, Peace psychology, Social psychology, Child-oriented policies and programs, Youth-oriented policies and programs, UNICEF, Social diversity and identity, Memory, youth resilience, Multiculturalism, Effects of migration on youth, Effects of violence on youth, Radicalization of youth, Youth empowerment and resilience, Peacebuilding, Human rights, Activism and integration of refugees, effects of climate change on adolescents, Evidence-based solutions for conflict, Civic engagement