Book Details


Service Parts Planning with mySAP SCM™

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-3-540-32652-6

Internet Resource: Please Login to download book

The main planning areas of service parts planning are forecasting, inv- tory planning, procurement and distribution – similar as ‘normal’ SAP APO . Nevertheless the functionality is significantly different. Also the ‘look and feel’ of service parts planning is quite different. At the same time the effort for the creation of F1-help was significantly reduced. - cause of these reasons we use screenshots in this book to a comparatively large extent. The purpose of this book is to explain the functionality of service parts planning with mySAP SCM and the covered business processes. The t- get audience of this book is anyone who is considering or is already - volved in the implementation of the SAP service parts management so- tion – whether as project manager, as project member or as consultant.

Subject: Business and Economics, APO, Planning, SAP, SAP SCM, SCM, SPP, Service Parts, Service Parts Planning, Spare Parts, Supply Chain Management, distribution, mySAP, supply chain managment