Book Details


Autonomic and Trusted Computing

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-3-540-73547-2

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To cope with the growing and ubiquitous complexity, autonomic computing (AC) focuses on se- manageable computing and communication systems that exhibit self-awareness, self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing, self-protection and other self-x operations to the maximum extenteven without human interventionor guidance. Organiccomputing(OC)additionally emphasizes natural-analogueconceptslike self-organization and controlled emergence. Any autonomic ororganic system must be trus tworthy to avoid the risk of l- ing control and to retain confidence that the system will not fail. Trust and/or distrust relationships on the Internet and in pervasive infrastructures are key factors to enable dynamic interaction and cooperation of various users, systems and services. Trusted/trustworthy computing (TC) aims at making computing and communication systems as well as services available, predictable, traceable, controllable, assessable, sustainable, dependable, persist-able, security/privacy protect-able, etc.

Subject: Computer Science, Code, DRM, RSA, Trusted Computing, authentication, communication, data security, dependable systems, embedded computing, fault tolerance, organization, security, self-configuration, self-optimiza, social networks