Publication year: 2007
ISBN: 978-3-540-72905-1
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The improvements in computation and communication capabilities have enabled the creation of demanding applications in critical domains such as the environment, health, aerospace, and other areas of science and technology. Similarly, new classes of applications are enabled by the availability of heterogeneouslarge-scale distributed systems which are becoming available nowadays (based on techno- giessuchasgridandpeer-to-peersystems).Parallelcomputingsystemsexploita large diversity of computer architectures, from supercomputers, shared-memory or distributed-memory multi processors, to local networks and clusters of p- sonal computers. With the recent emergence of multi core architectures, parallel computing is now set to achieve “mainstream” status. Approaches that have been advocated by parallelcomputing researchersin the past are now being utilized in a number of software libraries and hardware systems that are available for everyday use. Parallel computing ideas have also come to dominate areas such as multi user gaming (especially in the development of gaming engines based on “cell” arc- tectures).
Subject: Computer Science, DJ, Signatur, cluster computing, componnet-based SE, computational science, data structure, distributed computing, distributed systems, dynamic load-balancing, high performance computing, inter-domain routing, load balancing, machine learning, mobile computing, organization