Publication year: 2007
ISBN: 978-3-540-74825-0
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There su- ing oral presentations were then scheduled in a single-track, two-and-a-half-day conference program, summarized in the book that you have before you. In accordance with the stated IDA goal of "bringing together researchers from diverse disciplines," we believe we have achieved an excellent balance of presentationsfromthemoretheoretical-both statistical and machine learning- to the more application-oriented areas that illustrate how these techniques can beusedinpractice. Forexample, the proceeding sinclude papers withth eoretical contributions dealing with statistical approaches to sequence alignment as well as papers addressing practical problems in the areas of text classification and medical data analysis. It is reassuring to see that IDA continues to bring such diverse areas together, thus helping to cross-fertilize these fields
Subject: Computer Science, Analysis, classification, cognition, data analysis, data mining, learning, machine learning, modeling, pattern recognition, statistics, visualization