Book Details


Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2007

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-3-540-71325-8

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There is a coincidence of the AMAA objectives and those of EPoSS, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration, contributing intensively to the development of automotive-specific smart systems. You will find a series of the EPoSS items in the programme of the 11th AMAA, which continues to be a unique exchange forum for companies in the automotive value chain. The publication in hand also reflects these issues. It is a cut-out of new technological priorities in the area of microsystems-based smart devices and opens up a mid-term perspective of future smart systems applications in automobiles

Subject: Engineering, ACC, AMAA, Automobil, Automobile, Comfort, HMI, Networks, Powertrain, Radar, Vehicle, accident, adaptive cruise control, platform, safety