Book Details


Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-3-540-72726-2

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This is the second and translated edition of the German book “Einf ̈uhrung in die Bayes-Statistik, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2000”. It has been completely revised and numerous new developments are pointed out together with the relevant literature. The Chapter 5.2.4 is extended by the stochastic trace estimation for variance components. The new Chapter 5.2.6 presents the estimation of the regularization parameter of type Tykhonov regularization for inverse problems as the ratio of two variance components.The reconstruction and the smoothing of digital three-dimensional images is demonstrated in the new Chapter 5.3. The Chapter 6.2.1 on importance sampling for the Monte Carlo integration is rewritten to solve a more general integral. This chapter contains also the derivation of the SIR (sampling-importance-resampling) algorithm as an alternative to the rejection method for generating random samples. Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods are now frequently applied in Bayesian statistics.

Subject: Earth and Environmental Science, Bayesian Statistics, Numerical Algorythms, Probability distribution, Random variable, Variance, linerar models, numerical methods, parameter, statistics