Publication year: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-4020-5591-1
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The key papers in this volume from the Bonn conference focus on the challenges of integrated assessment of water resources in the context of global change. The growing gap between North and South is also addressed, in terms not only of access to water and its quality, but also of the capacity to do research and implement solutions. The coverage of the papers is up-to-date and comprehensive. Highlights include emerging concepts such as blue and green water, virtual water, the water footprints of nations, multi-agent modelling, linkages between water and biodiversity, and social learning and adaptive management.
Subject: Earth and Environmental Science, Climate Change, Global environmental change, Groundwater, Integrated resources assessment, River basins, Scale, Virtual Water, Water Resources, Water resou, Water resource management, biodiversity, environment, environmental change, hydrology, integration, water quality and water pollution, hydrogeology