Publication year: 2005
ISBN: 978-3-540-32084-5
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FORTE (Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems) 2005 was sp- sored by Working Group 6.1, Technical Committee 6 (TC6) of the International Fed- ation for InformationProcessing (IFIP).The conferenceseries started in 1981underthe name PSTV (ProtocolSpeci?cation, Testing, and Veri?cation).In 1988,a second series under the name FORTE was started. Both series merged to FORTE/PSTV in 1996. The conference name was changed to FORTE in 2001. During its 24-year history, many important contributions have been reported in the conference series. The last ?ve me- ings of FORTE were held in Pisa (Italy), Cheju Island (Korea), Houston (USA), Berlin (Germany), and Madrid (Spain). The 25th FORTE was held from Sunday to Wednesday, October 2–5, 2005 on the beautiful campus of the National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
Subject: Computer Science, Bisimulation, automata, communication protocols, distributed computing, distributed systems, embedded systems, formal methods, formal specification, logic, model checking, modeling, network protocols, networked systems, programming, real-time