Book Details


Eco-and Ground Bio-Engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-1-4020-5593-5

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In an era where climate change, natural catastrophes and land degradation are major issues, the conservation of soil and vegetation in mountainous or sloping regions has become an international priority. How to avoid substrate mass movement through landslides and erosion using sustainable and ecologically sound techniques is rapidly becoming a scientific domain where knowledge from many different fields is required. These proceedings bring together papers from geotechnical and civil engineers, biologists, ecologists and foresters, who discuss current problems in slope stability research, and how to address those problems using ground bio- and eco-engineering techniques.

Subject: Earth and Environmental Science, Biome, Geotechnical investigation, Sediment, development, ecology, environment, erosion, forest, hydrology, logging, soil, vegetation