Book Details


Frontiers of Computational Science

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-3-540-46375-7

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With the dramatic increase in speed and capacity of modern computers, computational approaches are becoming of crucial importance in various fields of science and engineering. Computational science is the interdisciplinary science, which promotes systematic development of methodologies and framework of computational approaches, basic studies of algorithms and soft-computation technologies and vast areas of applications. This volume is the proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Science 2005, containing papers from 7 plenary and keynote lecturers, 17 invited lecturers and 33 contributed papers. This book discusses the high-level use of computers in a wide variety of areas such as fluid mechanics, material and genome sciences.

Subject: Engineering, Ensembl, Renormalization group, Signal, Wavelet, algorithms, architecture, complex systems, information system, modeling, molecular dynamics, programming, simulation, statistics, visualization