Faculty | Avarage years of study | Credit hours | Semester tuition | Enrolling tuition | Credit hours tuition | Avarage hours per year | Avarage annual tuition without the fees |
Pharmacy | 5 | 178 | 20000 s.p. | 20000 To be paid only once when enrolling | 16000 | 36 | 576000 |
Informatic Engineering | 5 | 169 | 10000 | 34 | 340000 |
Civil Engineering | 5 | 169 | 11700 | 34 | 397800 |
Architecture | 5 | 169 | 13000 | 34 | 442000 |
Business Administration | 4 | 133 | 9500 | 34 | 323000 |
Architecture | 4 | 134 | 11000 | 34 | 374000 |
Additional costs are as follows:
- 24000 Syrian pounds for each English level ( L0,L1.L2.L3).
- 2000 Syrian pounds for admission: (this could be retrieved when the students enrolls in the same college of admittion).
- 10000 Syrian pounds for training course in Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Architecture.
- 3000 Syrian pounds: fee for admission examination in the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Architecture.
- Fees for remedial courses in accordance with the credit hour cost in the college.
- Fee for transportation every semester, to be specified at the beginning of each semester.
Payment of tuitions and fees
- Tuitions and fees should be paid at the beginning of each semester by due date shown on the university calendar.
- Students are not allowed to enroll in any semester until they get quittance for previous semesters, and pay the tuition and fees for the semester in which they want to enroll or suspend.
- Students get the needed university documentations after providing financial quittance.
Scholarships and discounts:
Arab International University grants several discounts and scholarships, the most prominent ones are:
- High achievers discounts: to be granted to the first ten students in each college, and for each academic year as follows:
- 80 % discount for the first student.
- 60 % discount for the second student
- 40 % discount for the third student
- 20 % discount for the other seven high achievers.
These discounts are granted at the end of each semester for the next semester (on condition that students enroll and attend in the next semester. Students keep this discount as long as they keep their academic progress.
- Five fully granted scholarships for the first five students in scientific baccaloriate.
- 20 % discount for two brothers or sisters ( granted by providing identification documents / photocopy of Identity Card or photocopy of Family Card).
- 25 % discount for the third and fourth brother or sister (granted by providing identification documents / photocopy of Identity Card or photocopy of Family Card).
- Scholarships for sporting students athletes
- 10 % for children of physicians, dentists, pharmacists and engineers affiliated to syndicates ( except agronomists and veterinarians) ( granted by providing identification documents/ affiliation document from syndicate + photocopy of Family Card ).
- 20 % for children of full- time university staff members (granted by
- Providing identification documents/ formal letter from the Department of Human Resources + photocopy of student' Identity Card).
- 10 % for children of university employees (granted by Providing identification documents/ formal letter from the Department of Human Resources + photocopy of student' Identity Card).
- Required documents and identification documentations to be submitted when enrolling at university.
- It is impossible to get two of the previously mentioned scholarships except high achievers scholarships that can be added to any of the mentioned above scholarships.If a newly enrolled student wishes to withdraw from university, the rates of the refund will be according to the date of withdrawal.(as appears in chart 6). The dates included in the chart are defined according to the annual university calendar adopted by university council resolution.
Period | The percentage of the recoverable funds after deducting the enrollment fee 20000 S.P |
Before the academic year | 100% |
During the first week as of the beginning of the academic semester | 75% |
During the second week as of the beginning of the academic semester | 50% |
During the third week as of the beginning of the academic semester | 25% |
As of the the fourth week of the academic semester | 0% |