Electronic Books

Total Books: 121 - 140 /1167
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) سارة السقا أميني ؛ فرح بدوي ؛ ماسا درويش أحمد ؛ دانيا حربة ؛ إشراف د. عبد الرزاق شيخ عيسى

ADHD, called attention-deficit disorder, is a behavior disorder, usually first diagnosed in childhood, that is characterized ...

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Bacteriophage therapy : a potential solution for antibiotic resistance crisis مالك الجبة ؛ زاهر حامد ؛ إشراف د. سامر الزعبي

For many years, humans have been fighting with bacteria, in a matter of fact, bacteria have been winning for the last decade, ...

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Balloon Kyphoplasty

This book focuses on balloon kyphoplasty and alter- tive minimally invasive treatments for stabilization of osteoporotic ...

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Barile's clinical toxicology: principles and mechanisms / Frank A. Barile

Examines the complex interactions associated with clinical toxicological events as a result of therapeutic drug administration ...

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Basic Guide to Dental Procedures / Carole Hollins

Provides an essential introduction to the core preventative and restorative treatments routinely carried out in the modern ...

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Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion, 3rd Edition / Alison Chapman, Simon H. Felton

An essential guide to help dental nurses prepare for a qualification in Oral Health Education and thereafter practice as ...

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Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing (Basic Guide Dentistry Series) / Fiona Grist

It's a comprehensive guide that offers an introduction for students seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding ...

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Basic Notions of Algebra

This book aims to present a general survey of algebra, of its basic notions and main branches.Those parts of the book devoted ...

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Basic Real Analysis

Basic Real Analysis and Advanced Real Analysis (available separately or together as a Set) systematically develop those concepts ...

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Basis and Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Incorporating the information related to mechanisms and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia, this book discusses genetics of ...

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Beginning Excel What-If Data Analysis Tools

Excels what-if data analysis tools let you experiment with your data to project future results. In turn, these predictions ...

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Beginning Java Objects

Learning to design objects effectively with Java is the goal of Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts to Code, Second Edition. ...

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Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX : From Novice to Professional

Beginning Web Development, Silverlight, and ASP.NET AJAX: From Novice to Professional aims to give you the skills you need ...

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Behavioral Dentistry / David I. Mostofsky, Farida Fortune

Surveys the vast and absorbing topic of the role of behavioral science in the study and clinical practice of dentistry. An ...

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Behavioral Interventions for Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Before AIDS, the role of behavioral interventions in preventing transmission of sexually transmitted diseases was acknowledged ...

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Behavioral Pharmacology of the Cholinergic System

The molecular genetics of the cholinergic system including both muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, cholinesterases, ...

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Behavioral medicinal therapy for ADHD & Transdermal patches رغد سعدي ؛ حنين عباس ؛ يارا عطايا ؛ إشراف د. هند الزين ؛ بيسان أحمد

ADHD is a popular disorder, often diagnosed in children in young ages. we aimed our study to focus on this disorder since ...

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Beyond Partial Differential Equations

The present volume is self-contained and introduces to the treatment of linear and nonlinear (quasi-linear) abstract evolution ...

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BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology

The human body is composed of structures organized in a hierarchical fashion: from biomolecules assembled into polymers, ...

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BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology

Abe Lee has been working on micro/ and nanotechnology for biomedical and biotech applications since 1992. His recent research ...

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Total Books: 121 - 140 /1167