Electronic Books

Total Books: 101 - 120 /173
Membrane Computing (vol. # 4361)

The present volume contains a selection of papers presented at the Seventh Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC7, which took ...

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Metaheuristics for Scheduling in Distributed Computing Environments

This volume presents meta-heuristics approaches for Grid scheduling problems. Due to the complex nature of the problem, meta-heuristics ...

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Model Checking Software

This book presents the proceedings of the 14th International SPIN workshop on Model Checking Software, held in Berlin, Germany. ...

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Modeling Uncertainty

Modeling Uncertainty: An Examination of Stochastic Theory, Methods, and Applications, is a volume undertaken by the friends ...

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Modelli Dinamici Discreti = Discrete Dynamic Models

Discrete mathematical modeling is one of the driving factors in modern mathematics research, and has played a role of synthesis ...

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Models and Methods for Management Science / Hao Zhang

Introduces systems science as an entry point to present a basic introduction to research models and methods in management ...

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Modèles aléatoires

The aim is to show how random models are used to analyse and solve a great variety of engineering issues. It is written in ...

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Modèles aléatoires

The aim is to show how random models are used to analyse and solve a great variety of engineering issues. It is written in ...

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Modélisation et statistique spatiales = Spatial modeling and statistics

Spatial statistics are undergoing significant development due to their use in many fields: earth sciences, environment and ...

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Multimedia Retrieval

The single chapters of this textbook explain the general architecture of multimedia information retrieval systems; various ...

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Multiscale Methods : Averaging and Homogenization

This introduction to multiscale methods gives readers a broad overview of the many uses and applications of the methods. ...

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Neural Networks

Neural networks represent a powerful data processing technique that has reached maturity and broad application. When clearly ...

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New Computational Methods in Power System Reliability

Power system reliability is in the focus of intensive study due to its critical role in providing energy supply to the modern ...

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Noise-Induced Transitions

This classic text, an often-requested reprint, develops and explains the foundations of noise-induced processes. At its core ...

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Non-negative Matrices and Markov Chains

This book is a photographic reproduction of the book of the same title published in 1981, for which there has been continuing ...

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Non-negative Matrices and Markov Chains

This book is a photographic reproduction of the book of the same title published in 1981, for which there has been continuing ...

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Nonparametric Bayesian Learning for Collaborative Robot Multimodal Introspection

This book focuses on robot introspection, which has a direct impact on physical human–robot interaction and long-term ...

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Numerical Methods for Controlled Stochastic Delay Systems

The Markov chain approximation methods are widely used for the numerical solution of nonlinear stochastic control problems ...

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Open Quantum Systems I

These books present in a self-contained way the mathematical theories involved in the modeling of such phenomena. They describe ...

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Open Quantum Systems I

These books present in a self-contained way the mathematical theories involved in the modeling of such phenomena. They describe ...

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Total Books: 101 - 120 /173