Electronic Books

Total Books: 81 - 100 /113
Maxillofacial Imaging / Tore A. Larheim, Per-Lennart A. Westesson

Demonstrates how advanced medical imaging techniques can be successfully applied to dental and maxillofacial conditions. ...

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Medicina delletà prenatale : Prevenzione, diagnosi e terapia dei difetti congeniti e delle principali patologie gravidiche = Prenatal medicine: Prevention, diagnosis and therapy of congenital defects and the main pathologies of pregnancy

This text aims to respond to the actual need to bring together in a single and updated reference text notions and data from ...

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Membrane Trafficking in Viral Replication

The ability of viruses to exploit cellular functions for their own ends makes them highly effective pathogens and exquisite ...

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Modulation of Host Gene Expression and Innate Immunity by Viruses

This book is reference on a relatively young area of research in which virology, cellular biology and molecular pathogenesis ...

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National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH: Volume 1, Frontiers in Research contains presentations given ...

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Neural and Neuroendocrine Mechanisms in Host Defense and Autoimmunity

This comprehensive volume, written by experts in the integrative fields of neuroscience, endocrinology and immunology, provides ...

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Neuroimmune Pharmacology

This exciting new textbook, Neuroimmune Pharmacology, reflects the history and vision of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology ...

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New Concepts of Antiviral Therapy

Antiviral drugs are important tools for treatment or prevention of viral infections. These drugs were first used for monotherapy, ...

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New Insights in Medical Mycology

The aim of this book is to give an in-depth assessment of our current understanding of the Biology of the main fungal pathogens ...

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Orthopoxviruses Pathogenic for Humans

Orthopoxviruses Pathogenic for Humans covers those viruses capable of causing disease in man, including monkeypox, smallpox, ...

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Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXVIII

This volume about Proceedings the 33rd Annual Meetingof the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT) ...

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Pandemic over the history and vaccination براء الصالح ؛ معاذ مجركش ؛ رامي شبيب ؛ يونس بكيراتي ؛ إشراف د. بيسان أحمد ؛ د. مازن رجب

The most recent outbreak in the twenty-first century is the highly pathogenic human coronavirus, severe acute respiratory ...

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Pediatric Infectious Diseases Revisited

The volume presents clinical as well as molecular biological aspects of pediatric infectious diseases. New insights into ...

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Polyomaviruses and Human Diseases

Science never solves apr oblem without creating ten more Geor ge Bernard Shaw How prophetic the above words prove to be when ...

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This monograph provides a comprehensive review of the poxvirus family with a particular emphasis on current developments. ...

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Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Diseases

This book takes status of the molecular, cellular, hormonal, nutritional and lifestyle strategies being tested and applied. ...

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Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases

Primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID) are a group of disorders involving defects in one or more components of the immune ...

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Principles of Immunopharmacology

This single volume represents an additional text for students who require background information on the immune response, ...

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Prion diseases recently have attracted interest not only scientifically but also socially because of the bovine spongiform ...

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Quasispecies: Concept and Implications for Virology

Continuous genetic variation and selection of virus subpopulations in the course of RNA virus replications are intimately ...

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Total Books: 81 - 100 /113