Electronic Books

Total Books: 61 - 80 /387
Current and Future Perspectives of Ethnomathematics as a Program

This survey on the modernity of ethnomathematics addresses numerous themes related to both ethnomathematics and mathematics ...

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Data Journeys in the Sciences

This groundbreaking, book analyses and compares data practices across several fields through the analysis of specific cases ...

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De Barrett à Zollinger-Ellison Quelques cas historiques en gastroentérologie = From Barrett to Zollinger-Ellison Some historical cases in gastroenterology

This book portrays the character traits, the little quirks or the great faults of this illustrious character. In a text combining ...

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De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period The Authors of the Commentaries

This book explores commentaries on an influential text of pre-Copernican astronomy in Europe. It features essays that take ...

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Deep Space Probes

This second edition includes an entirely new chapter on holographic message plaques for future interstellar probes – a ...

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Der junge Carnap in historischem Kontext: 1918–1935 / Young Carnap in an Historical Context: 1918–1935

This volume is based on the 'Early Carnap in Context’ workshop that took place in Konstanz in 2017 and looks at Rudolf ...

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Developmental State Building : The Politics of Emerging Economies

This book modifies and revitalizes the concept of the ‘developmental state’ to understand the politics of emerging economy ...

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Developments in Demographic Forecasting

This book presents new developments in the field of demographic forecasting, covering both mortality, fertility and migration. ...

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Dignity in the 21st Century

Dignity in the 21st Century - Middle East and West is unique and insightful for a range of reasons. First, the book is co-authored ...

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Discrete Thoughts : Essays on Mathematics, Science, and Philosophy

This is a volume of essays and reviews that delightfully explore mathematics in all its moods — from the light and the ...

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Dissecting the Criminal Corpse : Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England

Those convicted of homicide were hanged on the public gallows before being dissected under the Murder Act in Georgian England. ...

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Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science

This is the first volume of a series of edited books whose aim is to collect contributed papers in a framework that can serve ...

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Doing Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: A Case Study of the Origin of Genetics

offers an integrated historical and philosophical examination of the origin of genetics. The author contends that an integrated ...

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Doors : History, Repair and Conservation / Michael Tutton, James W.P. Campbell

Guides you through the function, history, development, care, repair and conservation of doors by chapter authors who are ...

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Drinking in Victorian and Edwardian Britain

the book investigates the reasons why Victorians and Edwardians consumed alcohol in the ways that they did and explores the ...

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Drones and the Creative Industry

This open access, interdisciplinary book presents innovative strategies in the use of civil drones in the cultural and creative ...

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Dynamics of Japan’s Trade and Industrial Policy in the Post Rapid Growth Era (1980–2000)

This book provides an in-depth examination of Japan's policy responses to the economic challenges of the 1980s and '90s. ...

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Early Modern Humans at the Moravian Gate

The Upper Paleolithic fossils of the Mladec caves, South Moravia, excavated at the end of the 19th century, hold a key position ...

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Early Public Libraries and Colonial Citizenship in the British Southern Hemisphere

This Pivot book is a comparative study of six early colonial public libraries in nineteenth-century Australia, South Africa, ...

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Education and Development in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa Policies, Paradigms, and Entanglements, 1890s–1980s

This book offers an analysis of the entangled histories of education and development in twentieth-century Africa. It deals ...

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Total Books: 61 - 80 /387