Electronic Books

Total Books: 61 - 80 /125
Maintenance Theory of Reliability

The book provides a detailed introduction to maintenance policies, updates the reader on the current status of the field ...

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Managing the Complexity of Critical Infrastructures : A Modelling and Simulation Approach

This book summarizes work being pursued in the context of the CIPRNet (Critical Infrastructure Preparedness and Resilience ...

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Mechanics of Microelectronics

Written by the leading experts with both profound knowledge and rich practical experience in advanced mechanics and microelectronics ...

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Memories in Wireless Systems

This book is a guide which treats many components used in mobile communications, and in particular focuses on non-volatile ...

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Mining Equipment Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety

From its origins in the malachite mines of ancient Egypt, mining has grown to become a global industry which employs many ...

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Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading LEAP-UCD-2017

This book presents work collected through the Liquefaction Experiments and Analysis Projects (LEAP) in 2017. It addresses ...

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Model-based Fault Diagnosis Techniques : Design Schemes, Algorithms, and Tools

The objective of this book is to introduce basic model-based FDI schemes, advanced analysis and design algorithms and the ...

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Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints

A lot of recent developments have been made about adhesively bonded joints modeling using various methods of analysis. The ...

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Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences : Second International Conference MCO 2008, Metz, France - Luxembourg, September 8-10, 2008. Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference MCO 2008, Metz, France, September 2008.The ...

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Multiaccess, Reservations & Queues

Reservation procedures constitute the core of many popular data transmission protocols. They consist of two steps: A request ...

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New Computational Methods in Power System Reliability

Power system reliability is in the focus of intensive study due to its critical role in providing energy supply to the modern ...

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New Methods of Concurrent Checking

New Methods of Concurrent Checking is the ultimate reference to answer the question as to how the best possible state-of-the-art ...

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Oil and Security : A World Beyond Petroleum

This book examines the economic impact of changes in the global demand and supply for fossil fuels both on the major producers ...

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Performance Evaluation and Planning Methods for the Next Generation Internet

GERAD :The Center was created in 1980 by a small group of professors and researchers of HEC Montreal, GERAD's activities ...

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Performance Modeling and Engineering

This book presents the latest advances in methodology and techniques of performance modeling and engineering, ranging from ...

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Powders and Bulk Solids

The book concentrates on powder flow properties, their measurement and applications. These topics are explained starting ...

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Practical Explainable AI Using Python : Artificial Intelligence Model Explanations Using Python-based Libraries, Extensions, and Frameworks / Pradeepta Mishra

Learn the ins and outs of decisions, biases, and reliability of AI algorithms and how to make sense of these predictions. ...

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Precision Manufacturing

Provides an introduction to precision engineering for manufacturing. This book places emphasis on design and performance ...

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Prevention, Detection and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Threats

The primary goal of any counter-terrorism effort is to prevent an attack as early in the development stages as possible. ...

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Product Reliability : Specification and Performance

Product Reliability develops a framework which links reliability specifications and product performance in the context of ...

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Total Books: 61 - 80 /125