Electronic Books

Total Books: 381 - 400 /432
The Emerging Physics of Consciousness

Consciousness remains one of the major unsolved problems in science. How do the feelings and sensations making up conscious ...

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The Innermost Kernel

"The Innermost Kernel" recounts the physicist and Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Pauli and his interest in Jungian psychology, ...

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The Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy

The last two chapters of the book present Eshelby's sophisticated theory in a didactically accessible way, knowledge of ...

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The J-matrix Method: Recent Developments and Selected Applications

This volume aims to provide the fundamental knowledge to appreciate the advantages of the J-matrix method and to encourage ...

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The Logistic Map and the Route to Chaos

Pierre-Francois Verhulst, with his seminal work using the logistic map to describe population growth and saturation, paved ...

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The Music of the Big Bang : The Cosmic Microwave Background and the New Cosmology

Most cosmological information is encoded in the cosmic background radiation by acoustic oscillations in the dense plasma ...

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The New Politics of Numbers : Utopia, Evidence and Democracy

This book offers unique insight into how and where ideas and instruments of quantification have been adopted, and how they ...

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The Pendulum

The pendulum is a universal topic in primary and secondary schools, but its full potential for learning about physics, the ...

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The Physics of Atoms and Quanta

The Physics of Atoms and Quanta is a thorough introduction to experiments and theory in this field. Every classical and modern ...

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The Physics of Organic Superconductors and Conductors

This book contains general (tutorial) and topical reviews, written by leading researches in the area of organic superconductors ...

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The Physics of Thin Film Optical Spectra

The book is intended to bridge the gap between fundamental physics courses (such as optics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics ...

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The Quantum Hall Effect

Devoted to the quantum Hall effect. This volume proceeds with reviews on the mathematics and physics of both the integer ...

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The Quantum Mechanics Solver

The Quantum Mechanics Solver grew from topics which are part of the final examination in quantum theory at the Ecole Polytechnique ...

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The Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences

Even though mathematics and physics have been related for centuries and this relation appears to be unproblematic, there ...

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The Scientist as Philosopher

How do major scientific discoveries reshape their originators’, and our own, sense of reality and concept of the physical ...

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The Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars

This collection of papers -- starting with a brilliant article by one of the masters of the field -- gives an excellent current ...

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The Standard Model and Beyond : Proceedings of the 2nd International Summer School in High Energy Physics, Muğla, 25–30 September 2006

This volume collects the edited tutorial lectures given at The Second International Summer School in High Energy Physics ...

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The Structure of Physics

Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker‘s "Aufbau der Physik", first published in 1985, was intended as an overview of his lifelong ...

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The Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions

F. J. Ynduráin's book on Quantum Chromodynamics has become a classic among advanced textbooks. First published in 1983, ...

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The Universe of Fluctuations

Proposes solutions to the impasse and crisis facing fundamental physics and cosmology. This work describes a cosmological ...

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Total Books: 381 - 400 /432