Electronic Books

Total Books: 321 - 340 /369
The Lucky Few : Between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boom

Born during the Great Depression and World War Two (1929 – 1945) - between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boom - ...

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The Machines of Leonardo Da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux

This book is about the evolution of these machines and the inv- tors and engineers who created them from the early Renaissance ...

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The Moon that Wasn’t : The Saga of Venus’ Spurious Satellite

This book details the history of one of astronomy’s many spurious objects, the satellite of Venus. First spotted in 1645, ...

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The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory

Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory is quite an interesting place for historians: several changes of nationality between ...

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The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences

The methodological innovation which has made possible the identification of the NDT is the use of a relative chronology, ...

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The New Astronomy: Opening the Electromagnetic Window and Expanding our View of Planet Earth

This unique work celebrates the 60th birthday of Professor Woodruff Sullivan III (University of Washington, Seattle). The ...

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The Pathologisation of Homosexuality in Fascist Italy

The book highlights how the dictatorship operated in a low-key, shadowy and undetectable manner, bending pre-existing legislation. ...

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The Place of Many Moods : The Place of Many Moods / Dipti Khera

A look at the painting traditions of northwestern India in the eighteenth century, and what they reveal about the political ...

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The Production of Meaning in Islamic Architecture and Ornament / Yasser Tabbaa

Discusses monuments in Syria and Iraq, many of which have vanished without being properly studied Explores innovations in ...

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The Psychology of Silicon Valley Ethical Threats and Emotional Unintelligence in the Tech Industry

This book explores the conscious and unconscious norms, values, and characteristics that drive behaviors within the high-tech ...

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The Quest for Food

The quest begins in prehistoric times with religion and the exploration of the connection between food and sex. This leads ...

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The Restless Compendium : Interdisciplinary Investigations of Rest and Its Opposites

This interdisciplinary book contains 22 essays and interventions on rest and restlessness, silence and noise, relaxation ...

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The Science of Nature in the Seventeenth Century

The papers in this collection focus on patterns of change in natural philosophy in the seventeenth century, aiming to encourage ...

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The Self-Marginalization of Wilhelm Stekel

As both an early disciple of and influence on Freud, Wilhelm Stekel enjoyed a unique position within the analytic movement. ...

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The Shaping of Arithmetic after C.F. Gausss Disquisitiones Arithmeticae

A book that traces the profound effect Gauss’s masterpiece has had on mathematics over the past two centuries. … The ...

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The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900–2008 The Mediterranean Way Towards Industrialization

This book provides a panoramic view of the evolution of Spanish agriculture from 1900 to the present, offering a more diverse ...

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The Soul of the German Historical School

This volume is a collection of my essays on Gustav von Schmoller (1838– 1917), Max Weber (1864–1920), and Joseph Alois ...

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The Statistical Analysis of Recurrent Events

Recurrent event data arise in diverse fields such as medicine, public health, insurance, social science, economics, manufacturing ...

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The Taste for Ethics

This book marks a new departure in ethics. In our culture ethics has first and foremost been a question of ‘the good life’ ...

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The Universe of General Relativity

Topics discussed include the prehistory of special relativity, early attempts at a relativistic theory of gravitation, the ...

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Total Books: 321 - 340 /369