Electronic Books

Total Books: 201 - 205 /205
Vorticity, Statistical Mechanics, and Monte Carlo Simulation

This book is drawn from across many active fields of mathematics and physics, and has connections to atmospheric dynamics, ...

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White Gold: The Commercialisation of Rice Farming in the Lower Mekong Basin

This book is about understanding the processes involved in the transformation of smallholder rice farming in the Lower Mekong ...

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Who Cares About Wildlife? : Social Science Concepts for Exploring Human-Wildlife Relationships and Conservation Issues

This book concerning the human dimensions of wildlife management comes at an opportune time as global warming threatens extinction ...

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Wie ticken Jugendliche 2016? : Lebenswelten von Jugendlichen im Alter von 14 bis 17 Jahren in Deutschland = How do young people tick in 2016? Living environments of young people aged 14 to 17 in Germany

How do young people live and experience their everyday life? How do you perceive the historical and current conditions in ...

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Youthquake 2017 : The Rise of Young Cosmopolitans in Britain

Investigates the reasons behind the 2017 youthquake – which saw the highest rate of youth turnout in a quarter of a century, ...

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Total Books: 201 - 205 /205