Electronic Books

Total Books: 21 - 40 /204
Child Protection in England, 1960–2000

This open access book explores how children, parents, and survivors reshaped the politics of child protection in late twentieth-century ...

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Children and Peace From Research to Action

This book's multi-layered emphasis on context, structural determinants of peace and conflict, and use of research for action ...

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Children and the Dark Side of Human Experience

Synthesizing insights from psychology and philosophy with his own wide-ranging, first-hand experiences around the world, ...

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Children in Tort Law Part I: Children as Tortfeasors

This volume gives answers to different questions concerning damage caused by children. Are children directly liable and is ...

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Children in Tort Law Part II: Children as Victims

Since children are not as capable as adults to perceive the risks involved in many situations of daily life, they are at ...

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Children's Exploration and Cultural Formation

This book examines the educational conditions that support cultures of exploration in kindergartens. It conceptualises cultures ...

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Children's diabetes رنا أحمد ؛ خولة أبو فخر ؛ إشراف د. بيسان أحمد

Diabetes in infants, toddlers, older children, and adolescents poses serious physical, mental, and emotional challenges. ...

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Cleft Lip and Palate

Reviews the treatment concepts in several areas of cleft involvement. This text consists of longitudinal facial and palatal ...

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Clinical Pharmacology of Sleep

This volume covers the clinical and pharmacological treatment of several important sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep ...

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Cloud Village for Children : مشروع غيمة التعليمي للأطفال بيان رمضان ؛ إشراف د .علاء عبد الرحمن ؛ د .بول شنيارة ؛ أ.لمى ونوس

من منطلق أن التعليم حق أساسي ومهم للانسان وأن علينا أن نوصله بصورته ...

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Code-switching in Bilingual Children

The goal of this volume is to prove that mixed utterances in young bilinguals can be analyzed in the same way as adult code-switching. ...

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Collaborating Against Child Abuse

This edited collection explores the background and implementation of the Nordic Barnahus (or 'Children's House') model ...

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Common Dermatologic Conditions in Primary Care

This book offers a guide to common dermatologic conditions most often treated by primary care providers. Most dermatologic ...

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Community Schools in Africa

Over the past decade, community schools similar to those supported by Save the Children have been established in many developing ...

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Community-Acquired Pneumonia / Aya MHD Walid Darwish

This labor will discuss community acquired pneumonia as a disease associated with death and as a problem in order to solve ...

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Compartment Syndrome : A Guide to Diagnosis and Management

Compartment syndrome is a complex physiologic process with significant potential harm, and though an important clinical problem, ...

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Competence and Vulnerability in Biomedical Research

In this book, the author develops a novel justificatory framework for making judgments of decisional competence to consent ...

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Complete Cleft Care / Steven L. Goudy, Travis T. Tollefson

It covers multiple treatment modalities such as unilateral and bilateral cleft lip repair, secondary speech assessment and ...

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Computational Commutative Algebra 2

The main part of this book is a breathtaking passeggiata through the computational domains of graded rings and modules and ...

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Conjoint Behavioral Consultation

Conjoint behavioral consultation (CBC) strengthens collaboration between children’s most critical learning environments ...

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Total Books: 21 - 40 /204