Electronic Books

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Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls

This book summarizes the chemical, physical, biological and medical aspects of chlorophyll (and bacteriochlorophyll) research ...

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Enhancing the Dissolution Rate of Atorvastatin by Solid Dispersion Technique / Abd Alwahab Haitham Nwelaty ; Rama Mhd Hassan Alhourani ; Donia Mohammed Almadani ; Bashar Diab Altabara

In the last few decades, solid dispersion (SD) technology had been studied as an approach to produce an amorphous carrier ...

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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency نور عبد الوحيد ؛ صباح عبيد ؛ حنين مهرة ؛ إشراف د. فؤاد الخضر

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, the most common enzyme deficiency worldwide, causes a spectrum of disease ...

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Nitric Oxide in Plant Growth, Development and Stress Physiology

The first part of the book is devoted to the description of key features related to NO biochemistry, synthesis and metabolism ...

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Photosystem I

This book summarizes recent advances made in the biophysics, biochemistry, and molecular biology of the enzyme known as Photosystem ...

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Photosystem II

Dedicated to the memory of one of the early pioneers in this field of research, Professor Gerald T. Babcock, the 34 inclusive ...

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Sulfur Assimilation and Abiotic Stress in Plants

Sulfur is one of the four major essential elements necessary for the plant life cycle. Its assimilation in higher plants ...

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