Electronic Books

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Ecografia e procedure interventistiche percutanee : Fegato, vie biliari e pancreas = Percutaneous ultrasound and interventional procedures: Liver, biliary tract and pancreas

The volume presents a concise overview of the most common percutaneous interventional procedures and is intended as a quick ...

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Imaging planetario: Guida all’uso della webcam = Planetary Imaging : Guide to using the webcam

In this book, Martin Mobberley introduces the amateur to the use of webcams and digital image processing, while providing ...

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Matematica e cultura in Europa

Non è vero che la matematica susciti sempre poco interesse. Questa almeno è l'impressione che si ricava quando lo spunto ...

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Produrre ed elaborare immagini diagnostiche = Produce and process diagnostic images

The text illustrates the fundamental principles of the processing methods and deals with the various applications in detail. ...

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Radiologia geriatrica

La "cultura geriatrica" - intesa come conoscenza e dominio dei processi di invecchiamento - non ha avuto ancora piena affermazione ...

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Sistemi ACM e Imaging Diagnostico

La prima ipotesi sulla quale si fondano i sistemi ACM (Active Connections Matrix) è che ogni immagine a N dimensioni puo' ...

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matematica e cultura 2006

The series Matematica e cultura, through a journey that began ten years ago, in an ever new, surprising and fascinating way, ...

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matematica e cultura 2006

The series Matematica e cultura, through a journey that began ten years ago, in an ever new, surprising and fascinating way, ...

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