Electronic Books

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Atlas of fundus autofluorescence imaging

During recent years, FAF (Fundus autofluorescence) imaging has been shown to be useful in various retinal diseases with regard ...

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Electrodiagnosis of Retinal Disease

Soon it will be time for me to retire from my position as professor of o- thalmology in the Department of Ophthalmology, ...

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High Resolution Imaging in Microscopy and Ophthalmology

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the application of the newest laser and microscope/ophthalmoscope technology ...

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Medical Retina

Although the treatment of retinal diseases remains one of the most challenging fields in ophthalmology, the standard of knowledge ...

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Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Genetics

The broad field of neuro-ophthalmology encompasses lesions of both the afferent and efferent pathways, which can result from ...

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Primary Retinal Detachment

This information-packed volume is the ultimate guide for today’s vitreo-retinal surgeon. It is written by leading experts ...

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Retinal and Choroidal Angiogenesis

This book provides a comprehensive, in-depth review of our current understanding of the growth of blood vessels within the ...

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Securing Biometrics Applications

Biometrics is becoming increasingly common in establishments that require high security such as state security and financial ...

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Written by international experts from around the globe, i.e., from the USA, Europe, Australasia, and Africa, this book explains ...

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Vitreo-retinal Surgery

This volume on vitreoretinal surgery is written by authors who are leaders in these fields of research. It covers the large ...

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Vitreoretinal Surgery

Covers the most common diseases with appropriate approaches to various vitreoretinal problems. This illustrated guide explains ...

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